Welcome to Team Home School, together we can do this!
Each week I will be adding a new video teaching families some fun French.
Les enfants - children - this is a good time to teach Mum and Dad and show
them what you know! Each week you will have a new:
- lesson in Team Home School with ideas of games and activities to do as a family
- story in our Story Time section
- song in our Sing Along section
Please keep me posted with pics of the activities you
complete and let me know if I can share them on the
website for your friends and family to see.
A huge thanks to and Catherine Barlow who have made all of the songs in the workbook 'J'aime Chanter en Francais' available for FREE in mp3 format. Click on the music icon.
In addition, click on the coloured buttons for FREE French workbooks: yellow button for a French workbook created by Rachel Hawkes - she has created some fabulous activities that I have pulled together into one document for you; pink button for a French workbook created by Mr French aimed at year 3 and green button for a French workbook created by Mr French for year 4, 5 and 6. Mr French's workbooks have answers in the back - parfait!
Get in touch if you want any help with them, Madame Kaler is here to help you!

Multi -Award
The Fun French School
in Beds, Bucks, Cambs & Northants
For your first FREE trial session:
Call us: 07806 768604

"Experts agree that foreign-language learning can give kids a leg up in many areas of their lives, both now and in the future, with benefits ranging from academic achievement and career success to better interpersonal relationships. Research shows it’s helping them become better thinkers, better learners, and better citizens of the world. Simply put, learning a second language can help kids improve their academic performance across the board. "
(Maxwell, L. (2014). 5 Reasons a child should learn a foreign language. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13/2/18].
¡Bienvenido! Welcome!
We are so pleased to be working with Pinchmill Primary School.
Petite Etoile currently teaches Spanish lessons to years 3,4,5 and 6.

What will your child gain by learning Spanish with Petite Etoile?
Enthusiasm for language learning
Open mindedness and a receptive attitude to other cultures
Awareness of the Spanish culture and similarities and differences to our culture
Knowledge of Spanish grammar relating to nouns, verbs and adjectives which in turn enhances and reinforces the pupils’ general literacy awareness
Teamwork and peer support
A growth mindset with a detective like approach to unfamiliar language
How do we deliver Spanish at Pinchmill Primary?
One 30 min lesson per week with each class.
Routines in Spanish to help pupils feels safe and secure.
Lots of rewards to promote positive learning behaviour: stamps for effort; star table awards for teamwork; language ambassador roles to encourage peer support and role modelling.
¿Qué hay de nuevo?
What's new?
Spring Term 2024:
January challenge: make 'El roscón de reyes' to celebrate Three Kings' Day on the 6th Jan!

El día de los Reyes Magos: Three Kings Day:
A celebration for Epiphany on the 6th January
We have started the year by learning about a traditional celebration on the 6th January which celebrates the arrival of the three Kings to Bethlehem. Celebrations for El Día de los Reyes Magos (The Day of the Three Kings) begin on the evening of 5th January, with La Cabalgata de los Reyes (The Parade of the Kings.)
This is a special parade that celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings. Sometimes they arrive on camels or horses and in the Canary Islands they arrive by boat! On the night of 5th January excited niños (children) leave their zapatos (shoes) outside their puerta (door) and some heno (hay) for the Three Kings’ camels. If they have been well-behaved, the Three Kings will visit and leave them presents and sweets. El roscón de Reyes (The Kings’ Cake) is a traditional cake in the shape of a ring and decorated with candied frutas (fruits). The bright colours of the fruit represent the joyas (jewels) of the Three Kings. The cakes come with a special corona (crown) that someone very lucky in the family will get to wear!
One fun tradition during the celebration is waiting to see who will be el rey o la reina de la fiesta (The King or the Queen of the party).It all depends on who finds el frijol (the bean). Traditionally, el frijol (the bean) would have been a dried broad bean that was hidden inside el roscón de Reyes (The Kings’ Cake). However, nowadays el frijol (the bean) is more commonly a small figurine of el niño Jesús (the baby Jesus), made of porcelain or metal. It is sometimes wrapped in foil in order to be protected during the baking process. When the family is sitting around the table, el roscón de Reyes (The Kings’ cake) is sliced and given out to everybody. Whoever has the slice that el frijol (the bean) is hidden in, gets to be el rey o la reina de la Fiesta (the king or the queen of the party). They can wear the corona (crown) and decide which games to play and can ‘rule’ their family for the rest of the day! They also have to pay for the cake!

If you would like to have a go at making 'El roscón de reyes' click here for the recipe and click here for a video!
Extra! Fancy more of a challenge?
Check out the BBC Bitesize Primary Spanish website for Key Stage 2. This has recently been updated and has great activites, songs, stories and games that practise a range of topic areas. Click on the image below and let us know how you get on.
Sing along! Cantar-con!

Spanish Songs
Pick n' Mix Spanish Activities for all years!
Our Gallery at Pinchmill Primary

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