Welcome to Team Home School, together we can do this!
Each week I will be adding a new video teaching families some fun French.
Les enfants - children - this is a good time to teach Mum and Dad and show
them what you know! Each week you will have a new:
- lesson in Team Home School with ideas of games and activities to do as a family
- story in our Story Time section
- song in our Sing Along section
Please keep me posted with pics of the activities you
complete and let me know if I can share them on the
website for your friends and family to see.
A huge thanks to and Catherine Barlow who have made all of the songs in the workbook 'J'aime Chanter en Francais' available for FREE in mp3 format. Click on the music icon.
In addition, click on the coloured buttons for FREE French workbooks: yellow button for a French workbook created by Rachel Hawkes - she has created some fabulous activities that I have pulled together into one document for you; pink button for a French workbook created by Mr French aimed at year 3 and green button for a French workbook created by Mr French for year 4, 5 and 6. Mr French's workbooks have answers in the back - parfait!
Get in touch if you want any help with them, Madame Kaler is here to help you!

Multi -Award
The Fun French School
in Beds, Bucks, Cambs & Northants
For your first FREE trial session:
Call us: 07806 768604

"Experts agree that foreign-language learning can give kids a leg up in many areas of their lives, both now and in the future, with benefits ranging from academic achievement and career success to better interpersonal relationships. Research shows it’s helping them become better thinkers, better learners, and better citizens of the world. Simply put, learning a second language can help kids improve their academic performance across the board. "
(Maxwell, L. (2014). 5 Reasons a child should learn a foreign language. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13/2/18].
The Kymbrook and Thurleigh Federation are thrilled that we are able to offer a high-quality French curriculum through our partnership with Petite Etoile. Our children are taught by experts, who engage every child skilfully, making learning a foreign language feel effortless and fun. We couldn't ask for more!'
K. Augustine, Headteacher,
Kymbrook & Thurleigh Primary Schools

You inspire life-long love of French and languages
G. Highton, Head teacher Carlton Primary
Eddie, David and Aiden all received prizes in their MFL lesson on transition day at secondary school, thank you, your input has clearly made such a difference
C. Payne Deputy Principal,
Great Ouse Primary
The Kymbrook and Thurleigh Federation are thrilled that we are able to offer a high-quality French curriculum through our partnership with Petite Etoile. Our children are taught by experts, who engage every child skilfully, making learning a foreign language feel effortless and fun. We couldn't ask for more!'
K. Augustine, Headteacher,
Kymbrook & Thurleigh Primary Schools
You have an infectious passion for teaching languages: your use of games, drama and creative thinking mean that children fall in love with French. Our children are now not only ready for secondary school but have better communication and understanding of the world around them.
S. Blackwell, Acting Headteacher,
Cogenhoe Primary School
Our children are engaged with energetic, well planned and imaginative lessons. The link to a French school has helped to make French relevant and our children have also learned about French culture. Teaching is differentiated to meet the needs within each cohort and the children love it!
S. Kaznowski, Headteacher,
Sharnbrook Primary School

Each lesson is fun and informative, I also get rewards from time to time so I want to learn French!
Andy, Year 6 Balliol Primary
I really enjoy French lessons because we get to sing songs, dance and learn loads about food! We even got to learn about and sing the French national football song which was really cool.
Nathan, Year 5 Balliol Primary
I like French because our teacher is kind and helpful and encourages me to try my best even though I might get things wrong. It is fun and exciting, I always look forward to French!
Leah, Year 5 Balliol Primary
I couldn't have asked for a better French teacher
Imaan, Year 6 Bromham Primary
Thank you for teaching us French, I love it!
Annabelle, Year 3 Sharnbrook Primary
You always make French lessons fun and exciting!
Sophia, Year 3 Sharnbrook Primary
French is always a joy and you are always happy, even on rainy days.
Toni-Rose, Year 5 Kymbrook Primary
French is always so much fun!
Bella, Year 6 Kymbrook Primary
You always make French fun to learn, I think I have made a massive improvement
Roop, Year 5 Kymbrook Primary

I am so impressed with how much William has learnt
William's Mum, Bromham Primary
You are so enthusiastic and passionate about the languages you teach, making learning fun, which my children respond really well to
Mum of Isla & Cameron,
Bromham Primary
Emily and Anna have just skipped all the way home singing French songs, they love their French lessons!
Emily's Mum, Bromham Primary
Rosie really enjoys French...and sings all of the songs at have really captured her imagination
Rosie's Mum, Bozeat Primary